Season 1

Episode 159: Tara Roussett

In this episode of Intermittent Fasting Stories, Gin talks to Tara Roussett, who lives outside of San Antonio, TX.

Gin’s new book Clean(ish) is available for preorder!  Gin wants to show you how to become clean(ish) where it counts:  you’ll learn how to eat (mostly) clean and live (mainly) clean as you unlock your body’s natural ability to self-clean.

Instead of aiming for perfection (which is impossible) or changing everything at once (which is hard, and never leads to lasting change)you’ll cut through the confusion, lose the fear, and embrace the freedom that comes from becoming clean(ish).  As you learn how to lower your toxic load through small changes, smart swaps, and simple solutions, you’ll breathe a (clean) sigh of relief and embrace your own personal evolution toward becoming clean(ish).

Go to for more information.  The book will be released on 1/4/22, but you can preorder now through Amazon or your favorite online book retailer.  Preordering is really important, as it gives the publisher an idea of how many books to print.

Tara never dieted prior to IF, as she never had a weight problem. But through the years of getting married, having children, and keeping up with a busy job, she put on weight without realizing it. In July of 2019, Tara decided it was time to do something about her weight, but she wanted to do something that was sustainable. She found Delay, Don’t Deny, and immediately began with 16:8.

Tara has lost 100 pounds, going from 229 to 129 pounds in a year. She has so much energy, and shares: “I didn’t know I didn’t feel great until I felt great!” 

Tara is so thankful that she has found IF, and loves sharing it with others.

Get Gin’s books at, including her New York Times Bestseller, Fast. Feast. Repeat., available wherever you buy books!

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